The Hard Parts of Living the Soft Life

The Hard Parts of Living the Soft Life

Living the soft life is hard!!

I know most talk about the soft life is centered around relaxation and indulging in a life of luxury. But I’ve found that beyond all that stuff, living the soft life has pushed me out of my comfort zone. And as a result, I’ve become more of a go-getter toward the things I realllly want in life. Funny how that happened! Lol

Here are a few hard things that lead to a softer life!

  1. Follow your intuition.

    I know it’s not always the easiest thing to do because it doesn’t always make sense logically. However, it almost always ends up being right.

    Moreover, anytime we go against our intuition, we’re betting against ourselves. There’s convenience in listening to yourself the first time.

    Trust yourself enough to follow what your intuition is telling you.

  2. Speak up. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. Exactly what you want!

    Nothing is more deflating than not speaking up for yourself. And by doing this over and over again, you train yourself to believe that you are unworthy of even being heard.

    Your soft life is created through the belief that you are worthy of having it.

    Now, I know this takes guts but you’re worth it, even if you don’t end up with what you asked for. You’ll be proud of yourself for speaking up for what you want, and it will give you more confidence in yourself moving forward.

    Give yourself permission to speak up—you are deserving

  3. Be 100% present.

    Put the phone away, look whoever you’re talking to in the eye, and bask in the present moment.

    Allow yourself to embrace every sensation that awakens in your present moment. I know there are so many reasons to be distracted, but you’ll find peace in being fully present.

    Often times the answers that we’re looking for are found in the present moment.

  4. Use those boundaries.

    I can’t tell you what your boundaries are, but you know that feeling when they’ve been crossed or are close to being crossed. Nothing keeps your life softer than maintaining your own personal boundaries.

    Remember, healthy Boundaries are Self-Preservation tools, not defense mechanisms.

  5. Be yourself.

    One of the second hardest things to do in life is to be anything other than your authentic self because anything you acquire outside of yourself, will require you to stay in an inauthentic state. Simply be your authentic self and you will naturally attract and maintain, all that is for you!

    Being you is your superpower!

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